How to write a resume

A must-see for international students! How to write a correct resume for an internship

If you are interested in doing an internship in Japan, you will need a resume. A resume is an application document promoting your abilities relevant for the hiring criteria. In this article we will explain in detail how to write a Japanese resume. Master the art of making a good Japanese resume to appeal to your desired company.

What is necessary


In order to apply for an internship it is important to note that there are two types of resumes. The first type is called a “JIS standard” resume and is officially recognized by Japan. The template of this particular type can be downloaded from the internet. The second type is a template designed by your university or language school. Most likely, you will be able to purchase one at your school store. In some cases, a company has a specific resume format.

Formal photo

It is important to have a proper photo of yourself where your face is visible. The general size of this photo is 4cm x 3cm. The photo needs to be taken within 3 months of your submission. Also, the background of the picture is mostly light blue or white. In order to make a good impression try to wear clean clothes and a neat hairstyle. Stand up straight and take an open posture (push your shoulders back slightly). To top it off smile a little and you are good to go!

Black ballpoint pen

If you decide to write your resume, make sure that you use a black ballpoint pen. In case you have made a mistake during your writing do not use any correction fluid of any kind.

Make checkpoints if you decide to write your resume

If you are done, you can start filling out the necessary fields. The next section will go over the basics and important points regarding a Japanese resume.

Resume basics

Font size

The text size should be twice that of the text printed on the resume. Write carefully with a black ballpoint pen and be careful not to miss typographical errors. If you write your resume after practicing on other paper, you can avoid mistakes and feel secure.

Do not use any kind of correction fluids

If you decide to write your resume by hand, you might make a mistake. In the case that you need to change something, it is better to start from scratch.

Write your official name

Write your full and official address, educational background and qualifications. Basically, write in the order of graduation and qualification. If you have multiple qualifications, give priority to qualifications that have a high degree of difficulty, new acquisition years, or work-related items.

Align the Western and Japanese calendars

The academic background and qualifications section of your resume is mostly displayed in a table format. When you enter your graduation years, make sure you edit the western calendar for it to align with the Japanese one.

Appealing points on a resume

Write concisely

Writing a long text explaining all details about your life is a no go. Keep in mind that you are probably not the only one who is applying and writing concisely what your intentions are can be a big plus.

Highlight your specialization and language skills

Talk about what you have researched or specialized at and link them to the field of expertise you are interested in. Extra language skills are highly valued for interns, make sure you explain precisely how fluent you are in a certain language.

Briefly explain the reason for your enthusiasm for the company

In the “motivation” section of the resume, explain the reasons why you want to work there, what skills you can contribute and what your vision is after the internship. The idea is to concretely explain what kind of work you can do and what you want to do after that.

Important details


In the upper right corner of the resume, there is a place to enter the date. The date should be the date you submit your resume to the company, not the date you made the resume. Also, if you choose to submit your resume by mail, enter the date of posting. Dates are often forgotten because they are commonly added later. Make sure there are no mistakes before submitting.

Check for typos

Once you are done writing your resume, do a final spellcheck to avoid any unnecessary mistakes. A resume reflects your strengths and interests, summarized in a single paper. Therefore, it is crucial to highlight your strengths and potential so that you can present it with confidence.

Make a copy of your resume

A copy of your resume can serve multiple purposes. Firstly, you can confirm what kind of information you have submitted to the company. Secondly, you now have a template which you can use to apply for other companies.

Writing a resume is the first step of deciding where you want to do your internship. It will help you discover your own strengths and maybe new fields of interest. Make sure you apply for fields which fit you in order to have a fulfilling internship experience.


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